Rust Shellcode

I made a repository of Windows Shellcode runners: rust-shellcode. Here are some introductions: rust-shellcode asm create_fiber create_remote_thread create_remote_thread_native create_thread create_thread_native etwp_create_etw_thread nt_queue_apc_thread_ex_local rtl_create_user_thread asm shellcode execute locally. link shellcode to .text section inline asm using asm! macro call shellcode create_fiber shellcode execute locally. convert current thread to fiber using ConvertThreadToFiber alloc memory using VirtualAlloc copy shellcode to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy create a fiber using CreateFiber jump shellcode using SwitchToFiber jump back create_remote_thread shellcode execute remotely....

March 23, 2023 · b1n

Cpp Shellcode

I made a repository of Windows Shellcode runners: cpp-shellcode. Here are some introductions: cpp-shellcode is A repository of Windows Shellcode runners. The applications load and execute Shellcode using various API calls or techniques. ❤️ THANKS @go-shellcode The available Shellcode runners include: CreateFiber CreateRemoteThread CreateThread EtwpCreateEtwThread NtQueueApcThreadEx-Local CreateFiber This application leverages the Windows CreateFiber function from the Kernel32.dll to execute shellcode within this application’s process. This is usefull when you want to avoid remote process injection and want to avoid calling CreateThread....

December 24, 2022 · b1n