I made a repository of Windows Shellcode runners: rust-shellcode.
Here are some introductions:



shellcode execute locally.

  1. link shellcode to .text section
  2. inline asm using asm! macro
  3. call shellcode


shellcode execute locally.

  1. convert current thread to fiber using ConvertThreadToFiber
  2. alloc memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy shellcode to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. create a fiber using CreateFiber
  5. jump shellcode using SwitchToFiber
  6. jump back


shellcode execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.

  1. get pid by process name using crate sysinfo
  2. get handle using OpenProcess
  3. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  4. copy shellcode to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  5. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  6. execute shellcode using CreateRemoteThread
  7. close opened handle using CloseHandle


shellcode execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.
this is same with create_remote_thread, but without crate windows-sys
using crate libloading get functions from dlls.


shellcode execute locally.

  1. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  2. copy shellcode to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  3. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  4. execute shellcode using CreateThread
  5. waiting thread exit using WaitForSingleObject


shellcode execute locally.
this is same with create_thread, but without crate windows-sys
using crate libloading get functions from dlls.


shellcode execute locally.

  1. get EtwpCreateEtwThread funtion from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy shellcode to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  5. execute shellcode using EtwpCreateEtwThread
  6. waiting thread exit using WaitForSingleObject


shellcode execute locally.

  1. get NtQueueApcThreadEx funtion from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. alloc remote memory using VirtualAlloc
  3. copy shellcode to allocated memory using std::ptr::copy
  4. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtect
  5. get current thread handle using GetCurrentThread
  6. execute shellcode using NtQueueApcThreadEx


shellcode execute remotely.
inject explorer.exe by default.

  1. get RtlCreateUserThread funtion from ntdll using LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress
  2. get pid by process name using crate sysinfo
  3. get handle using OpenProcess
  4. alloc remote memory using VirtualAllocEx
  5. copy shellcode to allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  6. change memory permission to executable using VirtualProtectEx
  7. execute shellcode using RtlCreateUserThread
  8. close opened handle using CloseHandle